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^[[April 18]] 


Milaukee, Wis., ^[[April 15th, 1894]] 189 [[/preprinted]]

My dear Miss Fletcher:

I send you a copy I have made of your paper. I have not looked it over for corrections, although I know it needs them, because you will have to look it over anyway, and I am very tired. I would have sent it direct to Mr Mathews if you had said you wanted him to publish it. It seems to me that is the quickest way to get it before the public.------I have not heard from the CENTURY editor, although I as ked him to return my " Open Letter" at once if he did not wish to publish it [[underline]] speedily, [[/underline]] and enclosed postage. So I hope he will put it in.
Prof. Stumpf has sent me another postal card, which I herewith translate: " Very Honored Sir:I thank you very much for your last writtings which you sent and for your friendly letter. As I am now intending to remove at once to Berlin(W. Nuernberger Str., 14), it is impossible for me to read them immediately;nor can I find time to review your work on the Indian music; but I shall refer to them in a notice of Wallascheck's "Primitive Music" which I have already begun, as soon [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] as time permits.Later, perhaps, I shanl speak of them more particularly. With most respectful greetings, Yours,C. Stumpf."
This is encouraging and gives us time to communicate with him further. I am sure his work will be done thoroughly and generously and that he will do us justice.----Give my regards to Francis and Miss Gay and believe me,always, 
Yours most cordially, ^[[J.C. Fillmore.]]

^[[underlined]] Over [[/underlined]]