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Milwaukee, Wis. ^[[May 27th,1894.]] 189

My dear Miss Fletcher: I accept your cordial invitation for June. I am ^[[to]] close up here the 23d,Saturday, and shall probably reach you the following Tuesday or Wednesday, to stay until Friday or Saturday. I must reach Phila on Sat. After my Phila work is over, I do not think I can come ^[[to]] Washington; at least not for any length of time, if at all. I shall be obliged to visit friends and relatives in N.Y. and Ohio, and then must hasten back here to attend to school matters. I must push my school next year. If I neglect it as I have been doing, it will "peter out" altogether. I have given up all notion of getting out of teaching and into scientific work, and I propose to play the hand I have for all it is worth. I hope to do a little lecturing next year and add to my income in that way. The circular I enclose may not be very modest; but I felt that it was necessary, from a business standpoint, to make the most of whatever good words had been spoken and put my best foot forward. Do not think the worse of me for it, if you can help it. I would never do this sort of thing if I were not obliged to.
  With best regards to you all, Iremain
     Yours as ever
[[signed]] J.C. Fillmore [[/signed]]

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