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[[ITALIC]]MILWAUKEE, WIS. JUNE 6 [[/italic]]1894,

My dear Miss Fletcher:
  Yours of the 4th at hand.-I will reach you June 25th if I can. Don't know yet.I lectured on the Indian Music last Sat. night, in the Cong. Church
at Our????, Illinois,and the pastor liked it so much he asked me to take his place in the pulpit
Sun. morning & talk about the religion of the Oneatas, which  I did! I found  out beforehand
that he was very liberal and that both he and his congregation would stand what I wanted to say & I tried to sugar the pill as best I could.
One man came to me afterward and said "If you are ever in this part of the country and are called on to preach,[[underline]] wire me![[/
underline]]. They all seemed to like it. I played The Three voluntarie,besides preaching and played the same songs Francis heard me play. So I was a pretty large part of that service!--I could make a great hit with that lecture all over the country, if I could only make people
think before hand that they wanted to hear it.
They all like it when they do hear it; but most people don't seem to think [[underline]] in advance [[/underline]] that the subject will interest them. If I could get a dozen or so
of phonographic records from Francis while I am with you & take them round, they might draw as nothing else would. I am very anxious to do that if possible.
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