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red-letter week in my calendar. The pleasure with which I remember my stay at your home is unalloyed, except by the recollection of a few [[underline]] gaucheries [[/underline]] of my own, which are nothing new in my experience, because they grow out of my personal limitations; and which I will try to correct, if possible, without feeling them in any too morbid degree.

I have done a moderate amount of work this week & have thoroughly enjoyed it, in spite of the sultry weather. Next week, I expect to add some lectures to my teaching. They will add to my income without burdening me.

I am teaching experienced teachers from several states. They are earnest & intelligent & it is a pure pleasure to have them spearing sensible questions at me.

I am lodging at 3613 Locust St., about a square from the university. A telegram sent to me at the University would be likely to reach me more quickly & surely than if sent to my lodgings. If I were not at the Univ., it would be sent over here at once.

With best wishes for you all, I am, as ever, Yours cordially & sincerely,
J.C. Fillmore.