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The Nez Perce and Flatheads came over the Rocky Mountains to near Jefferson and Madison Rivers, but never east of that. No Catholic priest ever told the Indians (Nez Perces) "of God." But Scotch employers of the Fur Company (then the Hudson Bay Co. originally the North West Co) did tell the Indians (probably Nez Perces) to send to St. Louis and get a Bible. These Indians knew the very difficult path over the Ceur de Aleve Mts to the Flathead Lake and so on to the falls of the Missouri. Where did you get your statement that "a strange man came into the Fur Co's ware-house"?. I say this pleasantly and very kindly. I regret the wild unfounded romance of Dr Whitman and others. and until sustained by documentary facts, the article you wrote (giving us record authority) of the Indians seeking the Bible. No known paper of 1830 to 1847 when the truth of the Delegation would have been known, gives the details of the coming and departure of the Indians. It is questionable whether the alledged