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evidence submitted. When I find an honest well-meaning man become the victim of technical irregularities I deeply sympathize with him, but when I find a man in moral chaos, going so far as to neglect his family and systematically plot to ruin young women who enter the Government service, believing that their superior officers will be their natural protectors when so far from home, I cannot regard his retention as justifiable on any grounds whatever, and I hope the Department may see proper to take action that will set good influence to work at the Nez Perces Agency. 

    Miss Goodin asks me to refrain from putting those papers on file unless it be [[underlined]] absolutely necessary. [[/underlined]] I feel like respecting her wishes in the matter. As I had made my report before receiving her letter, I shall retain these papers for the present. If you deem them necessary to complete my report I will forward them at your request. 

    I wish to say of Miss Goodin that she impressed [[insert]] me [[/insert]] as honest and sincere but as I indicated in my report she is rather hypercritical. This was made clear by her attitude toward her associates as a whole. No doubt this was due to a natural tendency in that direction abnormally developed by the trying conditions of her life during the past year. She is capable and energetic and certainly a valuable employe. 

    I understand fully, that when you invited me to address you personally on matters that I was not prepared to submit to you of-