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eve, if so will see her Tuesday and get them off to you as soon as possible. If I see her Sunday will get them off Monday A.M.

Mother was very anxious to go down as she heard a relative she has not seen for many years was down there and inquired about her. Uncle Frank is also down there.
I very seldom see Thomas McCauley and was wondering how I could see him, when here came his wife yesterday. I kept her for dinner and asked her what Thomas told about the hide.
She said he was with the Indians at the time, in Omaha- witnesses on Liquor cases - and could not go out or do as they pleased, were watched & not allowed out of sight for any length of time, She said, he told, a man said to them, "If you wish to see that pack you come with me tomorrow at

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2 oclock and if it is any where it is in a certain building I will show you." She said this was on Friday and the next day they could not keep the appointment as they had to finish that day and be sent home. He reached home Sat. evening. She said she was coming out next week to town and if she could get out any more than what she told me would come up and tell me. She said, she heard him telling it but asked no questions, & did not pay much attention. Said she did not think he even knew the name of the man who spoke to them or knew what building he was to show them, but would see what she could get out of him. Said [[?]]. Meyer had written him to come down, would pay his expenses if he would help pack the hide, but he did not go. This will give you