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[[underlined]] The Roof poles. [[/underlined]]

The roof poles are placed one after the other in position, close together at top, but at bottom where each end rests on stringers the poles are separated by a little space between each pole in order to form a cone at top. The slabs were placed about 2 or 3 inches apart.

A strand of slippery elm or willow bark was then taken to hold roof pole, slab & stringer together - it was not tied but wound in and out and when it came to the forked post it was passed over the forked post-. when the strand gave ^out it another was tied to the end and the winding was carried on. The ends of the stringers were not tied to the forked post - The crotch of the forked post held the flattened ends of the stringers resting on each other firmly in place and there was