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C. E. VANDERVOOR, President
HARRY SQUIERS, Vice-President
S. B. BERRY, Cashier

CAPITAL $25,000.00


Feb. 6, 1899.

Miss Alice C. Fletcher, 

Washington D. C.

My Dear Miss Fletcher:-

Your letter containing the Ritual in English reached me some days ago. I have read it very carefully and must say that I could not have done as well, the words chosen from the English language convey exactly the idea contained in the Indian Ritual. 

I have shown the translation to several educated Indians and they all say you did well and are proud of it. 

I am almost through with our lodge story and will send it soon. I received the book you sent me for Christmas and thank you very much for it. Hope you and Mr. LaFlesche are well. 

Sincerely your friend,

[[signed]] James R. Murie [[/signed]]