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C. J. SHAPARD, President.
G.M. BERRY, Vice-Prest.
S.B. BERRY, Cashier.

CAPTIAL $50,000.

Pawnee, Okla., ^[[Feby 23rd 1901-]]

^[[the [[underlined]] 4 steps [[/underlined]] when standing in the front]]

Miss Fletcher,

My Friend, you letter I got and read it. I sent you the other paper and tried to make it plain as I understood from the old man- as they reach the point where they faced West to sing to the Gods in the West they pause the Spirit of the party- Spirit of Tirawa is now up standing straight up in front of the party and supposed to be [[strikethrough]] ga [[/strikethrough]] looking beyond the land [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] hunting the places the Hako party travelled over years before. and as if with permission they step of 4 times in a straight line - - - - taking for also the four Gods in the West has given consent for them to travell to land of the children of the Hako party- I hope you will understand it and make it plain in your book- The four steps are for the Gods- after that the people travel knowing permission of Ti-ra-wa