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Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. June 12th. 1901.

My dear Miss Fletcher:-

Your beautiful letter of hearty congratulations and good wishes is highly prized. your works and your kindness to me has been an inspiration of incalculable value. I am now an exhausted but a happy man - overwhelmed by the kindness of my friends.

The book you sent has not yet arrived, but I am sure it will. But whether it comes or not I want to thank you deeply and sincerely for remembering me. My studies of the wondrous Indian music have for a long time been seriously intermittent; but when I return to them I will do so with re-doubled zeal; and among the melodies which I hope some day to put together, these will be intertwined in thread of memory which will ever dawn fresh the recollection of the courageous woman whose authority, enthusiasm and force of character has, in the face of well-nigh insurmountable obstacles and doubtless bitter disappointments, turned, perhaps slowly, but all the more

Transcription Notes:
which I hop some day : which I hope someday Changed.