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With First National Bank. 
Pawnee, Okla., ^[[Mch 6th]] 190^[[2]] 

^[[ [[underlined]]March 12[[/underlined]] ]]

Miss Alice C. Fletcher,

My Friend, It is now nearly midnight and I just come from the Bank from my work. I do not want to write you a short letter and not tell you all I did see which struck me more forcibly then anything I have seen. Very interesting - Very solemn, Very Wonderful - Really Holy.

As soon as payment ^[[rush]] is over ^[[I]] shall write to you of every detail of all I saw, I ^[[was]] selected to cut meat knife being principal and I assistant. Knife meat through the corn and smoke ceremony- Any way my people at this time have full confidence and trust in me. At the ceremony Scout was Leader Frank Leader 2nd Good Eagle 3rd John Buffalo 4th Skeedee Jak 5th. So you see Scouts Bundle had to be represented by him [[strikethrough]]having[[/strikethrough]] in centre singers.

Good Night I am tired Your Friend James R. Murie
Got the $2.00 alright - [[underlined]]thank you Over[[/underlined]]