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Choop nit pa lu. [[underlined]] The people [[/underlined]] of the pierced noses. Chup would have the same sound if spelled Choop. Choop nit (pierced noses) pa lu (the people of the pierced noses) as [[underlined]] they would say [[/underlined]] (ki is with)

Choop nit pa lu pama (i e) from or of the pierced noses
Choop nit pa lu ki - With the people of the pierced noses

The Nez Perces were called Choop nit pa lu [[underlined]] only [[/underlined]] by the tribes east of them, or on the east of the mts- who gave the name of pierced noses to [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] tribes west of the mountains, doubtless owing to the little intercource of the two sections.


The pierced noses lived on the [[underlined]] lower [[/underlined]] Columbia or below the mouth of the Snake River. The crows and Shoshones also called one tribe Choop nit pa lu. L & C had an interpreter whose wife was a shoshone. may account for the name then given them. They tell me the down the river tribes did [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] call them pierced noses. They call themselves always nim e pu. (The people)!

I listened lately to Moses Montieth telling of entering a house on the Crow Reserve. The woman asked who are you? where are you from? laughingly he made the motion of piercing his nose, saying Choop nit pa lu.