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^[[May 301]]



My dear Miss Fletcher :

I am delighted to hear that yourself and Mr. La Flesche are to be with us for the presentation of "The Gate City."  The Lincoln Commercial Club, which in connection with the University presents the performance, is pleased to have you as its guests, and has provided for the entertainment of yourself and Mr. La Flesche at the Lincoln Hotel.  Rooms are reserved there June-4-6 for you.  For my own part, I shall hope to have you and Mr. La Flesche to a very informal dinner at my house on the evening of June 5.  Mr. Eames, the composer of the music, will be present; possibly one or two friends deeply interested in the pageant and the Indian's gift to art and life.  If possible I shall meet your train, If you can let me know whet it will arrive.  Should there by any failure here I trust that you will go direct to the hotel--a short distance from the Burlington station--where accommodations are provided.  You will, of course, be guests at the performance, as I trust, with me.

I feel that I ought to say a word as to the conditions and ideals under which we are producing this work.  This year's pageant is only our second effort.  As yet the idea has not fairly been grasped by the community, and we labor under disabilities.  I am impressed with this as I see the students--who ought to be plastic material--struggle with the unfamiliar concepts which the pageant embodies,--for they are, to them, unfamiliar.  I am afraid that in the West the great body of the people have little comprehension of what is fine in the Indian spirit.  There are besides material limitations, and I suspect that it would make you smile to see just how we are put to it to overcome them.

Bu I am hoping that you and Mr. La Flesche will judge