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The Della Robia Madonna
and the Little Lady of the Dew:-
A St. Mark's Legend.

They moved in mild mysterious rhythm,
Winsomely unafraid,
In honor of the glory of man-
A simple holy Maid,
So worshipful they never thought
To invoke her heavenly aid.

But when about Her rose the cloud
Of fragrance, and the chord
Died on the harp, a mystic spell
Seized all who there adored
In silence Her most fain to be 
Meek Mother of our Lord.

And then befell a wondrous thing
For lo, a Maid of stone
Who kneels to invoke the dews of heaven
On her mirrored rock alone,
Peered through the window pane and gave
A little piteous moan.

But none seemed 'ware of anything
Miraculous or old,
when our Lady welcomed the naked Maid
With a look and gracious nod
I'm only a pagan nymph, folk say,
Who would hail the Mother of God,

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Then all woke with sudden start
From the momentary daze,
And still the harp was vibrating
And our Lady walked in here
Of incense, but the naked Maid
Had vanished from our gaze.

Yet after holy dances done
In gentle and winsome wine
Might net a little naked nymph
All purity arise
And do her reverence to the Queen
Before our dazzled eyes?

Such things may surely well befell
Howbeit our world is old,
At glad St. Nicholastide, when folk
No gift of love withhold,
And, children once again would meet
Their Christ - pure, simple-souled.

With festal greetings and best wishes for a
"Merry Christmas and a happy New Year"
Faithfully yours,

[[signature underlined]]]] W N Guthrie [[/signature underlined]]