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Pine Ridge Agency
July 4, 1882

My very dear Ida.

Your Letter greeted me on my arrival here last Thursday Eve. I was [[?]] [[?]] from Rosebud 125 miles in two days. A hard ride + the mosquitos so
thick they closed one eye by their bites {{?]]
This drive was to secure me the sight of the
Sundance.  It lasted 3 days - on Sunday the Ther.*
stood at 106, yet in the blazing sun the men stood
+ danced + men cut + endured.  I have careful notes + once I had to take some brandy to keep
from fainting it was so horrid to see.  Had I not
started to get the thing on paper I would have
turned away [[??]] fact.  The Indian were very 
kind to  me + I was allowed contact into many  

[[Margin]] I expect [[?]] to go to Omaha Reserve
+ [[????]] the risk of a long writing.  I hope you
are out of the pocket + in some pleasant place.
God Bless you + make you well + happy.
Ever longingly 

Transcription Notes: