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of them. Their possession indicated the family rank, so to speak.  And they were used to confer honors won by vallient deeds.

These Articles were never absent from the Tribe. They were carried with peculiar rites & care when the people moved out upon their yearly hunt. In their presence the Warriors performed their last rites before leaving for the war path. When the Tribe was driven to defensive war & the chief must lead, these sacred articles were taken with the chief to battle.

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The Sacred Shell. The two ceremonial war pipes the staffs of office - and other articles as yet unknown to me are included in this presentation.

The peculiar position of the people toward their past, the Sacred ritual being lost. And the changed environments have contributed to make this unique trust possible. As far as I know it is the first time a people have parted peaceably & in respectful [[crossed out word]] pection with ^ [[such peculiar]] Sacred symbols and signs of authority - and I would