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and regard their removal from the family of its hereditary chief — and of the tribe, with no ordinary feeling of respect for the historical significance of the act.

Yesterday when the old man who has kept these articles in a place apart, & carefully tended them during these years of change — came to me & said he was willing to yield their custody to those whom he trusted as his friends, I wished the scene might have been made imperishable, & linger about the ancient trust.

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He sat silent a while & then in a low voice he said: "These sacred articles have been in my family for many generations. No one knows how long. My sons have chosen a different path from that of their fathers. I had thought to have these articles buried with me, but if you desire to care for [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] them and place them where my children may look upon them when they wish to think of the past & the way their fathers walked, you can do so. If, however, there should come a time when I should cease to look once more [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] on that which has been with my fathers I would like