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to be permitted to do so. I know that the members of my family are willing I should do this thing, and no others have a right to question my action, though there are men in the Tribe who will say hard things to me because of this act." Late in afternoon I started for his lodge — and reached there after the sun had set. I found the old man sitting alone, out side his lodge. He had gathered the articles, and was taking his last look at them in the fading light — As I drove up he rose & lead the way to where he had placed them, & lifted them into my carriage with quick haste. "They are all there," he said and turned away — I too turned & left, as the round moon rose with a sudden surprise over the valley —

Sincerely Yours 
A. C. Fletcher. 

Transcription Notes:
Just realized from reading this page that on previous page I marked as Complete "cease" should be "crave" or possibly "care." NW