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running ferries over the streams contiguous to the white settlements, having towns with churches and schools. The people ^also organized a government of their own and had a civil code of laws. A member of the tribe, named Se-quo=yah, invented a syllabic alphabet of the Cherokee language. Books were [[strikethrough]] published [[/strikethrough]] printed and children were taught in their native tongue and a weekly newspaper was published. The people became prosperous and some even wealthy. In 1827 there were 400 members of the Methodist Episcopal Church among the Cherokees. The greed of lands, and a desire to possess the Indians improvements, added to the bitterness of race prejudice, early began to make itself felt, and the difficulties were increased by the fact, that the Indians had set up an independent government within the limits of the State government. One can readily see, that even under the best of circumstances, this would make disturbances, difficult to settle. There was, however, little inclination to settle the difficulties amicably,