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churches, with their gaping windows, like eyeless sockets, stood as horrid monuments of man's inhumanity to man.

One of the most remarkable missions of the Methodist Church was that begun in 1832, by Rev. Dr. White in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. The history of the missions on the North Pacific are so interwoven with the national history of that region, that they can hardly be separated. Among the Indian tribes, one of the most remarkable instances of missionary labor, was that of Father Wilbur with the Yakamas. First, as their missionary and later as their agent for number of years, he labored in their midst, and lived to see the generation he had baptized in infancy, grow to manhood and be able to take on not only the garb, but the spirit of civilization. The Yakamas are one of the most advanced of ^[[the]] Indian tribes, maintaining themselves and having a form of government resembling a county organization.