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[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]
           Ft. Lapwai, Idaho.
           May 26. 1890.

Gen. T. J. Morgan,
Commis. Ind. Affairs

Dear Sir:
  In your letter of May 13, marked "Com." just rec'd, you ask me for my views concerning the giving higher education to Indians; for instances which bear upon this question, and any practical suggestions which may occur to me.
  During my ten years of personal study of the Indians upon their reservations, it has been made very clear to me, that years of reservation training have reduced the average Indian's mental life to the minimum; his ancient arts, old time government and wars which once afforded hope for his imagination, judgement and valor, have been extinguished by our manufactures and our political system in which he has had no hand or voice; and were the reservation system with its Agency machinery to continue indefinitely little if any hope could be entertained of making the Indian an element of strength and prosperity in any community. The

Transcription Notes:
"Com." - abbrev. for Commisioner