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Mr Mc Convilles trip to Lawrence did him much good, and the corp of assistants work well here.  The progress manifest is much gratifying.  There is a gain in every hand, and much has been done in my absence.  The orchard is well in, the grounds are improved, there is an [[underlined]] esprit de corps [[/underlined]] which is very helpful.  Monday night the May Sociable came off.  The chapel in the school house was decorated with flowers.  An arch of blossoms stood in front of the desk and a chair trimmed with white and golden blooms.  The school marched in in full uniform and a May Queen in white crowned with flowers and a long staff covered with lilacs in her hand.  She was led to the chair by a body of the little ones carrying gay banners.  Then came a song by the glee club of boys and girls in honor of May while these little ones marched in and out of this arch before their Queen, forming many pretty figures.  It was a charming sight and well done by the children, not a teacher giving a word of direction.  The exercises consisted of songs speeches, dialogues, by girls & boys, and an oration which was well given.  A surprise awaited me.  An address of welcome by one of the boys and the presentation of a basket of flowers to Miss Gay and to me by the girls.  I was deeply touched by this