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Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology.
Peabody Professor of Amer. Arch. and Ethn.,
Harv. Univ., Curator of the Museum.
Assistant Curator.
Cambridge, Mass. ^[[Feb. 4th.]] ,189^[[8]].

Mr. Andrew Lang,

Dear Sir;

Professor Langley has referred to me, through Prof. O.T.Mason, three questions upon which you desire information:-

1st.The idea of an All-governing Creative Spirit among the Indians."

2nd.The Soul idea among the Indians as an element in the origen of religions."

3rd.The existence of clairvoyance, telepathy and hypnotism among the tribes I have visited."

There are three distinct questions in your First, each one of which would demand separate treatment, and could be answered only by careful deductions made from an intimate knowledge of the languages, rites, customs, and common beliefs of the different tribes, as in no instance could direct testimony be obtained from the Natives.