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trunks of smaller trees than those used for the inner circle.  They were not large limbs of trees.

These 17 posts were set slanting out hard & well tamped, as they were set.  Strong poles were laid as stringers in the crotches.

The wall was made of slabs, a tree split in two, the split side was to the inner side of the lodge, the back side formed the outer side.  These slabs were set well in the ground & leaned against the stringer.  They slanted slightly innard, but only slightly.  They were set as closely together as they could be driven.

Outside this wall of split trees large bundles of course grass from swamps were set up.  The bundles were tied very tightly together and the bundles were packed very closely side by side.  Outside these bundles of course grass was placed the sod. Over the sod loose earth was thrown & tamped so that the hall became solid, imperveant to rain.  How thick these bundles were, and also the sod, can be guessed by the fact that when