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I regret to hear that she is not well.  I dont know where to write her.  I have directed to Mann Hill Egypt, & to [[?Cankers]] but as I get no word I fear she has not rcd my letters.

Mr Heald may think that you can get something for the Dandinis by other means that a direct attack.  I hope so, it does not seem possible they can be so heartless as to not [[?give up]] all the money put into their hands.

As to the model, make the size as you deem best, after consultation with Mr Wellington, & Prof. Putman.  If it is larger than the present one a new case will be needed, & can that be furnished at once?  I think you can best decide the matter.  As to giving me credit, that is not right.  You make it after measurement & photographs of [[?Pedi-ga]]-hi's lodge, and you should have the credit of the work.

I have written Rosalie asking about