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Today Nov. 14, 1881.  Susette said that while she was at her mother's packing up her crockery &c for transportation to Omaha, she went up stairs to her grandmother's room & there sat Big Elk sewing on a pair of buffalo skin moccasins which his wife wishes to give to Susette's mother.  The wife's eyes were sore, & he did this to help her along, he is spending a day or so at the home.  As soon as Susette came in the room he put down his work & went out and down stairs.  

One day Two Crow and his wife came to call at S' mothers' - on going home Two Crow mounts his horse & rode off the wife walking.  Susette was hiding & [[???]]talked with Roselie as they watched him canter away [[strikethrough]] from an [[/strikethrough]]  When he had reached far bushes they saw him dismount & his wife got on the pony.  (Power of social customs.}