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5 yrs ago began to farm on a piece of land.   1879
Broke 8 acres - 
plow from Agent - used his horses - ^[[had 2 ponies]]
could have it only a week - 
planted corn & potatoes - 
paid in money for his seed [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]]
Earned his money cutting wood for the Mission - 
Had good crop.
1878 - 
Broke 4 acres - had 12 cultivated
used ax cut plow - 
80 bushels corn 80 of wheat - 16 wagon load potatoes
Reaping machine 2 days - used his horses -
12 acres - 
Corn & Wheat - potatoes - Seed from Agent _
Took another claim for his [[strikethrough]] oldest [[/strikethrough]] son - ^[[Miller]]
broke 8 acres -   his own seed
raised corn - about 120 bush. 12 acres.