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John Webster- Around 3 yrs before
Began to cultivate in his allotment 4 yrs since-
Broke 8 acres-
Had plows from Agent. 2 weeks. 
Ponies so slow he could not do much & so got [[plow?]] fast.
put in corn. Seed was his own
had done a little farming for himself down near Decatur & raised his seed. The Gov't had broken some land & he farmed [[strikethrough]] a little [[/strikethrough]] for 3 yrs.
Raised 24 bush. his team so poor he could do little with it.
Broke 3 new acres -11 acres
Wheat, corn & potatoes. Seed from Agent. Good.
7 bush. of seed.
67 bush. crop.
Broke 5 1/2 acres 16 1/2
wheat & potatoes
8 acres Wheat, rest potatoes - own seed.
Good crop -
96 bush. wheat.