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These plows were got back, so the women. 3 of the women are married, Wheeler, Scott, Baylis, one not married sued a man last spring for breach of promise, Jack Walker.  She lived alone.  Jack Walker built a log cabin and break his land & she lives there with her mother.
Up to the time of the lame man Agent, the good words of the Gov't were kept, they had all their [[strikethrough]] Goods [[/strikethrough]] goods and did [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] steal [[strikethrough]] so much [[/strikethrough]] or it did not show then, but since the time this man came in the Agents steal from them and seem to want to do what will benefit the white man most.  The time has come when they cant depend on what the Gov't will do for them, they look to their land   The Gov't means to do good for them but when the [[articles?]] come to the Agent he does as he pleases with them. [[strikethrough]] He will tell you [[/strikethrough]]
[[left margin]] why [[/left margin]]
See last page for story Duba monny tells