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one for $15.  bought a horse last winter for $50. it froze to death.

[[preserved?]] but bad.

Uses his ponies [[?]] [[won?]] [[other?]]

Gets the oxen of the Agent.

Bought a cow - & calf -

Gov't gave him Cow.

traded calf which has a [[st?]] for a
heifer so has 3 cows.

bought cow & calf with a horse - 
Pigs. he has had them were [[sloter?]].
2 big ones.
Has none now.

Chicken. 22. 4 turkeys  2 ducks.
2 turkeys his wife killed while he was
gone. does'nt sell. raises them to eat.

Bought nails [[/strikethrough]] & nothing [[/strikethrough]] a pitch fork a friend
of Gov't. farmer & had things loaned.
Gov't gave hoe, pitch fork, spade wagon