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The old chiefs were not to [[?]] as were the mixed bloods, they could speak English, and they speak fast and the Indian is not heard. They do not love the land, and they do not seem to want to [[strikethrough]]come to him[[/strikethrough]] help the Indians- they make us much trouble- We want titles to our land- there are some who don't care we want the white people to give to us title to land &- set us apart from those who don't want to work land let us go on and try to become like white people.  We are willing the [[nation?]] should go as they please but we don't want them to keep us from getting titles to our land that our children may be safe in the future. Give us who want titles & have worked & will work the titles & let the white people see we mean what we say. I wish all the Indian were of one mind, all thought as these men do- but when we get titles it will help them. If you ask but a very