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Ella mah za {Eayli in Gilt}
            {E pluribus unum}
or Joseph La Flesche
a chief of the Omaha.

Dept of Interior
Office Indian Affairs
March 20.1854

Having concluded the business which brought you here. I deem it my duty in your departure for your home to express to you my approbation of your official conduct while here, and to commend the interest you have shown for the Omaha people. 

On your return to the Omahas you will find many perplexities & difficulties but by constant perseverance & a firm determination to do right at all times & under all circumstances, you will be sustained in all your efforts for the civilization of your people; & it may be allotted to you to yet see them in quite an advanced state of intellectual improvement & each family comfortably situated.
Enjoin on their habits of industry. Teach them to abhor Idlement & the accompanying vices - such as gambling & the like. Urge them to cease the use of ardent spirits: for intemperance is their greatest ^[[insert]] enemy [[/insert]].  Encourage the young to go to school. Also let all fear God & keep his commandments