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1st Session  }                {NO. 31.

A grant of land in severalty.

January 11, 1882.— Referred to the Committee om Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed.

To the Senate of the United States:

We, the undersigned, members of the Omaha tribe of Indians, have taken out certificates of allotment of land, or entered upon claims within the limits of the Omaha reserve.  We have worked upon our respective lands from three to ten years; each farm has from five to fifty acres under cultivation; many of us have built houses on these lands, and all have endeavored to make permanent homes for ourselves and our children.

We therefore petition your honorable body to grant each one a clear and full title to the land on which he has worked.

We earnestly pray that this petition may receive your favorable consideration, for we now labor with discouragement of heart, knowing that our farms are not our own, and that any day we may be forced to leave the lands on which we have worked.  We desire to live and work on these farms where we have made homes, that our children may advance in the life we have adopted.  To this end, and that we may go forward with hope and confidence in a better future for our tribe, we ask of you, titles to our lands.

Respectfully submitted:

1. Kah-a-num-ba (Two Crows) x Lewis Morris, 18 acres.
2. Do-uba-moni x Harrison McCauley, 16 acres.
3. Segro-nunga x George Gran (police), 21 acres.
4. Ta-oh-ka-hah x Arthur Ramsey (police), 32 acres.
5. Wajepa x Ezra Freemont, 55 acres.
6. x Joseph Merrick, 16 acres.
7. Pawnee-mumph-zhe x Iordan Stabler (police), 18 acres.
8. Pah-bee-souta x Johnathan Rush, 15 acres.
9. Ma-etbing-ge x No Knife, 18 acres.
10. Wah-na-zha-hinga x Little Soldier, 15 acres.
11. Waa-zhe-umta x Alvin Cox, 16 acres.
12. Me-hah-ta x Henry Morris, 29 acres.
13. Ma-he-wa-the x Richard Robinson (police), 18 acres.
14. Wa-loo-te-ta x Samuel Irving, 8 acres.
15. Mumta-Do-uta x Levi John Webster, 16 1/2 acres.
16. Wa-ho-sha-go x James Springer, 12 acres.