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1 the determination of the amount, if any, due either of said

2 tribes from the United States under any treaties or laws of

3 the United States or the unexecuted stipulations of any

4 treaties, or for the misappropriation of any of the funds of

5 either of said tribes, for purposes not for their material bene-

6 fit, and in determining the rights of said tribes, or either of

7 them, for compensation for the lands in Kansas and Nebraska

8 theretofore set apart to said Otoe and Missouria Tribes of

9 Indians as a reservation by treaty of March 15, 1854, sold

10 at public auction by officers of the United States, and for the 

11 moneys collected, or which might have been collected from

12 the sale of said lands for the use and benefit of said tribes or

13 either of them, the said court shall ascertain and adjudge

14 the rights of said tribes, or either of them, in accordance

15 with and by application of the rules of equity by which

16 guardian and ward, and trustee and eestui que trust are

17 adjudged, and the United States shall, in connection with

18 the sale and accounting for said lands, be deemed and held

19 to be guardian or trustee for said tribes, and this Act shall

20 apply to and be controlling in the trial and disposition of the 

21 case of the Otoe and Missouria Indians against the United

22 States, numbered thirty-one thousand and three, now pend-

23 ing in the Court of Claims, not withstanding any former Act

24 of Congress in relation to the legal or equitable rights of

25 said tribes.

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1 Jurisdiction is hereby conferred on the Court of Claims

2 to hear and determine all claims of the Otoe and Missouria

3 Tribes of Indians against the Omaha Tribe of Indians for

4 the recovery of any portion of the money heretofore or here-

5 after received for the cession and release to the United 

6 States of lands by the said Omaha Tribe of Indians, in which

7 the Otie and Missouria Tribes of Indians, or either of them,

8 claim to have had an interest, and the said Otoe and Missouria

9 Tribes of Indians, or either of them, may recover in an action

10 instituted in said court, the proportion of the money so re-

11 ceived by said Omaha Indians representing the proportion 

12 of the land ceded by said Omaha Indians to which said Otoe

13 and Missouria Tribes of Indians, or either of them, were

14 entitled, with interest on same from receipt of said money,

15 provided said action is instituted within six years from the

16 passage of this act