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(Original 1h LAND DIV.)  
^[[Book 111]]


Refer in reply to the following    
^[[ACCOUNTS 5185-83,]]                             

Department of the Interior,
Washington, ^[[April 20th,]] ,188^[[3]]

The Honorable,
The Secretary of the Interior.


Referring to the appointment of Miss A.C. Fletcher of New York, as a Special Agent of this Office to make an allotment of the lands of the Omaha Indians in Nebraska, notice of which is given in your letter to this Office of March 16th (ultimo), I have the honor to recommend, in view of the fact that Miss Fletcher is to perform this very arduous and responsible work without compensation, that she be allowed railroad and sleeping-car fare, transportation to and from the reservation, and on the reservation in the work of making the allotments, and a per diem of [[strikethrough]]four[[/strikethrough]] ^[[five]] dollars ($[[strikethrough]]4[[/strikethrough]] ^[[5]]) in lieu of all other expenses, &c. growing out of a compliance with the instructions of this Office furnished for her guidance under said appointment. 

Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
H. Price,
