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^[[CHM ?]]

Refer in reply to the following [[/preprinted]]              

[[preprinted]]Department of the Interior,
Washington, ^[[April 21st,]] 188^[[3]].

Miss A.C. Fletcher
139, West 45th St.
New York, N.Y.


In compliance with the recommendation of this Office the Honorable Secretary of the Interior, by his letter of the 16th ultimo, has designated you as a Special Agent of this Bureau, to make an allotment of the lands of the Omaha tribe of Indians, in the State of Nebraska, as provided by Section 5, and the concluding paragraph of Section 8, of the Act of Congress, approved August 7, 1882. (Copy herewith).

The following instructions are furnished for your guidance in the performance of the duties devolving upon you under such designation.

You will proceed without delay to the Omaha and Winnebago Agency in Nebraska, for consultation with Agent Wilkinson, who has already been directed to convene the Omahas in open council with a view to obtaining their consent to the allotment of their lands in severalty, which step is made a prerequisite