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requisite condition thereto by the 5th Section of the act aforesaid.

The consent of the Indians having been obtained as required, you will enter at once upon the work assigned you.

By the provisions of the said 5th Section the Secretary of the Interior is authorized "to allot the lands lying east "of the right-of-way granted to the Sioux City and Nebraska "Railroad Company, under the agreement of April nineteenth, 
"eighteen hundred and eighty, approved by the Acting Secretary "of the Interior, July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and "eighty, in severalty to the Indians of said tribe in quantity "as follows:
"To each head of a family, one quarter of a section: "To each single person over eighteen years of age, one[[underlined]] quarter [[/underlined]] 

[[margin, with arrow pointing to word "quarter"]] ^[[clerical error. Should read Eighth [[?see]] [[?bill]] [[/margin]]   

"of a section:

"To each orphan child under eighteen years of age, one-eight "of a section: and
"To each other person under eighteen years of age, one-six" "teenth of a section:
"which allotments shall be deemed and held to be in lieu of "the allotments or assignments provided for in the fourth ar-
"ticle of the treaty with the Omahas, concluded March sixth,