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declaration to that effect is desired from them.

You will make this one of your first duties, and inform this office as soon as you have ascertained the intention of the Indians in respect of the matter.

Upon completing the work of making these allotments you will submit a report thereof to this Office, accompanied by a schedule showing the name of each allottee and the description of the tract assigned to them respectively.

Blank allotment sheets have been transmitted to Agent Wilkinson for you convenience, in the preparation of which the greatest care should be observed.

As the law contemplates the issuance of patents for the individual allotments reported by you, the necessity for absolute accuracy in making up the schedule of allotments is apparent.  This can only be attained by repeated comparison of the schedule to be submitted, with your original notes, &c.&c.

Agent Wilkinson will be instructed to employ a competent person to retrace section lines and mark section corners.  It is his belief, expressed in letter of recent date, that the subdivisions can be made, if the section corners are ascertained and properly marked.