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Refer in reply to the following            

Department of the Interior
Washington, ^[[June 12th,]], 188 ^[[3]]

Miss A. C. Fletcher,
U.S.Special Agent,
Omaha & Winnebago Agency,


I am in receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, suggesting the importance of keeping a record of "contested cases in the alloting of lands in severalty to the Omahas," and asking that if the plan meets with the approval of this Office, a record book be sent to you for that purpose.

In reply I have to say that there should be no contests kept up in the matter of these allotments. If disputes arise, they should be amicably settled now, and in case the Indians are unable to agree upon any point in dispute, they ought to be willing to be governed by the advice of yourself and Agent Wilkinson. If that does not suffice, then the case should be presented to this Bureau for decision.

I wish you would give the Indians to know that it is the desire of this Office to place in their hands the patents