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for himself.  Our money is now all expended for employees, who work but for a few of the people & this is urgent.  We do not wish this to continue.  If the Govt is to doubt as to our mind in this matter let us be sent for we will then personally speak of these things & other things which we think will help as toward civilization & self support.

Our business is transacted thru Agts. who care but little if at all for us & therefore our business is not done so as to be of benefit to us.  If we were able to speak directly, personally to the authorities we should the better understand just how we stand & could make our needs known.

[[?Two]] [[?Aims]]

These words may produce no effect but still we wish them said.  I agree with Fire Chief, we should be rid of the Employees.  We want the school continued, our children must be educated, we would rather educated Indian leaders in our schools than the retention of white employees.  We would like to speak directly to the Govt.  Officers are sent out here to see how we are getting along, but they hear & report only the talk of the white men among us.  These officers do not pass any other people & look personally into the affairs of the people.  This is the reason why we have come to you, because you know us, listen to us, & you will give our words to the Dept.  Even when we speak of things which involve changes we think essential to the future welfare of our people.  If we could speak directly we would say these things & that it would be better that any money coming to us from the sale of the land be divided among the people, that each one