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It seems to us that this Tribe who have walked ankle deep in the blood of the white people are helped more than those tribes who have tried to live at peace & to undertake the peaceful pursuits.  When a man returns from a visit to a distant people his friends ask of what he has seen.  So your people will ask you of your stay among us, & what you have seen, & we want you to tell them this message from us.  Take our words in your [[?]] as for a helpless people who are trying to go forward.  We who address you are getting old, & may not live long on the land you have marked to [[?second]] to us, but the land is left for our children & it is for them that we wish to do something.  We wish to try the experiment of doing without employees.  I think it will do good to the people, to be independent & self supporting.  It might help us to bring about the changes we think desirable if we could tell the Dept. of our experience in the past & our wishes in the future.

Cha ai [[?gaithas]]

It is not at your calling that these men have come, they [[?con]] our free will to ask you to present the words of the people to the Authorities at W. & we ask this [[?]] as a friend asks of a friend.  In [[?]] employees here, who are sent here to work for us by the Govt.  We do not admire