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Omaha and Winnebago
April 28  4

Hon. H. Price.
Comm'r. of Indian Affairs.


I would respectfully submit the following decision in the case of Mrs. Margaret Sloan for approval.

Margaret Sloan is the daughter of a full blood Omaha woman and Michael Beadle, a white man.  She was born at Fort Collins, Nebraska and taken early in life to St. Louis, Mo. to be educated, where she married Thomas Shaw, a white man and afterward lived in St. Louis Mo. and upon her allotment of land given her as a half blood Omaha in the Nemaha Reservation.

During her youth and early married life she made a few visits to her relations living with the Omaha Tribe.  In [[?1857]] Thomas Sloan was appointed to take charge of the Mill then being built on the Omaha Reservation and [[?remained]] [[?thither]] with