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practical value; therefore we ask, that the remaining seventy thousand dollars ($70.000) be given us within two years so that each persons' proportion may be sufficient to help him to buy horses, implements, and to build and repair houses.

We would also petition that the interest upon the money from the land sold under the Act of Aug. 7. 1882 and from all other lands sold by us, shall be hereafter paid to us in cash, pro-rata, and not "expended' for us.

We seriously object to having any one control the expenditures of our own property. Our wants are individual and each man is the best judge of what he needs. We have thought and experienced much of this matter. We have observed the methods of the white people and we have seen that the thrifty man controls his own money. and would not permit it to be expended for him by one unacquainted with his necessities.

We are now citizens and number some three hundred voters. and we desire to make our homes worthy of
the new life which opens before us. but deprived as we are of the use of the money which is our own, we are crippled and we feel that we are unjustly treated. We therefore ask that we be paid in cash. the interest  accruing from the money received from the sale of our lands.

Praying that this our petition may receive your prompt attention as our needs are pressing and
our resources for help are wholly within your control,
We remain-
