Viewing page 84 of 170

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14 Tje-thae-dae-zhin-ga.  Luther Cox  Instasunda.
   Wife Ah sae-hu-dae.                Inkaesobba.

333 Nieu-ke-paw eh.

426 Ou-ba-ne.

253 In sta sou ne.

254 " [[ditto for In sta sou ne.]] Hallswell (step child.) [[erased?]] Stella married to I Leaming [[/erased]]

250 ta-in-ge-na. " [[ditto for (step child.)]]  Stella married to Irish Leaming

 15 Ou-shu-dae-mon-ne. Benj. Moore. Instasunda

    w. Hae-ho cla me.               tapa.

142 Ta-in-ge-na.

 16 A. Nebraska. Hallwell           Instasunda

    W. Me ta in gae                 thatoda

560 The-mu-ba-ska.

538 Na-ze-the-ah.  Lester Davis     Inkaesobba.

    W. Ma-she ha the                thatoda

 11 Ou-the-he-dae.

514 Um pa-tem ga  J. Big Elk        Wejmsto

    W. Ponca-san                    Inkaesabba

698. Me-da-be.  Eunice Wood. (sister above.) Wejmsto

Transcription Notes:
All names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.