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Benj. Moore. 94.           McCauley Silas. 150

Lewis Morris 100           McCauley Columbus. 146.

Walter Morris 100          Mathews Henry. 134.

Geo. Martin 104.           Annis Henry 137.

Annie M. Murphy 105.       Mitchel Mr. 138

Jos. Milton 105.           Morris Gilbert 142.

Cishka Morris 106.         Morris Wac lac ne 143.

Arthur Mitchel 109         Morris Geo. 143

Mepe 109.                  Moore Andrew 144.

Oliver Mitchell 110        Mitchell Orrin 145.

Jesse Morris 115.          Mitchell Chas. 146.

Clark McCauley 116.        Mitchell [[Memoran?]] 148.

Harrison McCauley 119      Morris David 150.

Uriah Merrick 122          McCauley Silas. 150

Jos. Merrick 123.          McCauley Alfred 151.

Thos. McCauley 123.        Morris Ed. 151

Thos. Miller 123.          Morris [[Simin?]] 155

Geo. Miller 124.           McCauley Harrison 119

Sam. Mitchell 124          Josephine Neals. 138.

Ed. Miller 125.

Fred. Merrick 120.

Benj Merrick 129

Dan. Milton 129

Thos McCauley 123