Viewing page 105 of 170

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417 Ou-ha-zhin-ga.   Little Cort.  Instasunda

708 Um ra-tha-ga-ne.

359 Me-ma-nee       f.

465 Ta in-ge-nah.

363 Ou-ma-ah-be.  Edwin Walker      Tesinde

    W. Ma sha-da-ne.                Instasunda

460 We hae-grae-dau

461 bu-zan-gae-ah-gthe

687 Ma hae-wa-rae Rich. Robinson.     Hunya

    Me bthe we                        Thotada
                        Stepmother of wife Me bthe we 
536 Mun-ska-ah-ha. Rich. Hastings (adopted) thotada

497 Tae hu-tam-be. Chas. Robinson     Hunya.
                 W. Mah thin ka ga he. (dead.
826 Aun-gae-da

 67 Tae-nu-ga-za-the-ka Sleeping Buffalo. Thatada Kein

    W. Me tae khe the                   Instasunda

447 Neda ne. Parker Aunt.

Transcription Notes:
All names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.