Viewing page 108 of 170

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[[preprinted]] 105 [[/preprinted]]

416 Amy Moncraiori Murphy     Instasunda.
    Frank Murphy

413 Gertrude

414 Alice

276 Bu-gu-ga hai  Jas. Milton    Instasunda.
    W. Ponca san                 tapa.

277 Me-tae-khi-ze  f.

230 Wa-in wa-shi

424 Hae-wae-gus sa. / mother

705 Dan Webster. Me-kae-sha-gae   Thatoda.
    W. Ta-ni-ne.                  Instasunda.

401 Thomas

399 Ma-she-ha-tha

400 Emma

845 William

297 Ma-na-ka=gae  Wm. Frost  Inkaesabba
    W. Nae tu ne.

455 Me-hu-sa.

454 Me-gthe da-ne

456 Ma-the-he

 99 Ta-da-ta.

Transcription Notes:
All names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.