Viewing page 111 of 170

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 17 Wa-ha-mez-fae.  Arthur Wolf.    Tapa.
    W. Me men ne.                   Instasunda.

245 Muz-zae-pac-we.  f.

246 Hin hu-dae-we.   f.

352 Ta chu-ga-ska    m.

389 Bache zae-g-thae m.

382 Hae-za ta        m. (nephew.

383 Tae-hae-ga

388 Me-grae-da we.    f.

124 Thin-dae-sum-te-grae  m.

376 Ma-she-ha-the     f. (Aunt.

387 Tah-te da-the.    male

347 Mu-gae-min ne.  Chas. Dixon  Man thin ka-ga he.
    W.  Ne da we.                Thatoda

717 Shon-gthe-ska mon-ne.  Sam. Harlan.  Instasunda.
    W. Me gthe ta ni                     Inkaesabba.

354 Mah-pe.  m.

355 The-sun-ba-ge-na.  m.

368 Wa-she-ta-zin-ga.  m.

367 Me-me-ta  f.  2d wife        Inkaesabba.  Sister.

Transcription Notes:
All names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.