Viewing page 112 of 170

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[[preprinted]] 109 [[/preprinted]]

746 Eliza Paul Wheeler          Instasunda
    Merret P. Wheeler

887 Paul.

879 Elmer.

880 Laramie

889 Arnie.

357 Ne-ah-she-ga  Arthur Mitchell. Inkaesabba.
    Wae ton ne.                    Instasunda.

894 Victoria Fontenelle Hall.  Man thin ka ge he
    Geo. F. Hall

89  Henry Fontenelle           Man thin ka ge he
    W. Emily                   Pawnee.

878 Emilie

882 Raymond.

888 Eugene

891 Albert
928 Mepe. Deborah Morris           Thatoda.

927 The me tesh ie  Jenny Mitchell Inkaesabba.

Transcription Notes:
All names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.